Customer Facing

Beyond the Exam Room Courses


Beyond the Exam Room Courses Beyond the Exam Room wanted to create on online version of their popular live business training courses for surgeons. This would increase outreach and create a resource that is always [...]

Harley-Davidson In-Store Training Course


Harley-Davidson In-Store Training Course Harley-Davidson Challenge: Berkeley Training teamed with Illumen Group to design and develop a new training course for more than 850 Harley-Davidson dealerships within the United States. The quality of Harley-Davidson's motorcycles is apparent in any dealership. [...]

Sterilization Savings Calculator Teaching Tool


Sterilization Savings Calculator Richard Wolf Medical Instruments Challenge: Ninety percent of Richard Wolf's products are autoclavable, or can be sterilized using an autoclave. Not only is this a better method and more cost efficient, but it also allows products to [...]

Scrap Handling Magnet Training


Scrap Handling Magnet Scenario Training Many operators of scrap magnets might be certified for the lift or crane but not for the magnet itself. This training scenario places the operator in a situation where they have to perform. They [...]

Verizon Thinkfinity Product Education Videos


Verizon Thinkfinity Product Use Videos Verizon Challenge: Verizon's Thinkfinity initiative partnered with educators and created an online portal to bring teaching and learning courses and other educational experiences to teachers, parents, and students. Their Thinkfinity website needed a quick way [...]

Pump Training Animation


Franklin Pump Animation CalCo Cutaways Challenge: How does one show water and particulates moving through a pump without causing an excessive mess? This was the challenge presented to animate a Franklin Pump. Solution: Working with Calco and Franklin Illumen became [...]

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