6 Ways to make your Courses Accessibility Compliant (508/WCAG/ADA) in Storyline

6 Ways to make your Courses Accessibility Compliant (508/WCAG/ADA) in Storyline

Try this: Open one of your courses, close your eyes, and complete the course without looking. You will likely have difficulty getting off the first screen. If you have vision disabilities, this might be the norm for you. Some in your audience may have color blindness, hearing disabilities, and mobility disabilities, to name a few.

We strive for intuitive eLearning experiences where our audience can focus on the materials, not the container or the navigation. But when we don’t consider accessibility, we are shutting the door on those who have disabilities and challenging our stakeholders to attain alternative training methods for those who need them. You may think that it is rare that someone with a disability would be using your course, but in the United States alone, 6.4 million people have a visual disability, 10.5 million have a hearing disability, and 14.8 million have a cognitive disability (Erickson).

You may have come across these three standards, 508, WCAG, and ADA, but don’t know how they apply to your project. These standards all have the same goal, which is to make our digital solutions accessible for those with disabilities. If followed, the standards set up requirements that greatly increase the accessibility of your course. They all have similarities and you can find additional information about them through the reference links below.

There are many tools that can aid someone with disabilities, such as screen readers that read on-screen text, special input devices that let someone press a few select buttons and read braille, and screens that magnify aspects of the screen. Storyline, as well as most other […]

6 Ways to make your Courses Accessibility Compliant (508/WCAG/ADA) in Storyline2020-02-18T14:09:40+00:00

10 Missed Questions to Ask eLearning Stakeholders

10 Missed Questions to Ask eLearning Stakeholders

As we begin each new eLearning project, there is information we’d like to request from our stakeholders. We want this information so we can create a project with results that meet and exceed the project needs. So, asking the right questions is essential. Of course, there are core questions asked relating to any established performance requirements, needs analysis data, audience, and job-related information and procedures, to name a few. There are, however, a handful of questions that AREN’T typically asked that should be. And if you are a stakeholder, perhaps the following can give you some ideas when discussing your next project.

Let’s explore 10 commonly missed questions we should be asking stakeholders:

1. Has there been any previous training conducted?

Knowing if any previous training exists, whether it be instructor-led, on-the-job, or eLearning based, can be valuable for a number of reasons.

  1. These previous courses may have information that can be used when writing the new course.
  2. Knowing this training exists may give you the opportunity to take the same training, which can help you gain a foundation for the materials, job responsibilities, and performance needs.
  3. You will know what information and exercises your audience has been invoved in. This may provide insight into why there might be knowledge gaps and act as a foundation that can be built upon.

2. Is there an audience sample group for information, prototyping, and reviews?

Having a sampling of employees who can act as an advisory group […]

10 Missed Questions to Ask eLearning Stakeholders2019-07-11T17:30:29+00:00

Micro-eLearning: What, Why, and 7 Quick Tips

Micro-eLearning: What, Why, and 7 Quick Tips

We take a quick look at what eLearning is all about and 7 ways you can micro your eLearning.

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Gemini VIII was the first mission where two spacecraft docked in space and it was also the first time astronauts were forced to solve a life threatening emergency in space. The Armstrong Air & Space museum wanted a kiosk to accompany their Gemini VIII space capsule and provide visitors enhanced information about the mission, the crew, and the capsule itself. View Info

Articulate Storyline & Rise Development at Illumen

Illumen Group is proud to be known as an innovative leader in Storyline and Rise development, with a focus on both rapid development approaches and unique instructional and creative design experiences. Illumen has received several accolades from Articulate for pushing the Storyline envelope, defining ways to solve problems that are raised by many other developers. View Info

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Micro-eLearning: What, Why, and 7 Quick Tips2019-07-10T17:26:25+00:00
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